Plexiwire PCTG is an excellent alternative to the well-known PET-G material in the 3D printing industry, which belongs to the copolyester category. PCTG filament offers the ease of printing similar to PET-G while offering improved characteristics: better impact resistance, excellent mold stability, and shrinkage after cooling. In addition, PCTG material is more heat resistant than PETG. One of its main advantages is its increased elasticity, making it less brittle while retaining most of the beneficial properties of PET-G. Additional benefits include high chemical resistance, increasing printed models’ longevity.

Plexiwire PCTG is:
  • High impact resistance - this property allows parts printed from this polymer to be used in functional applications where high stresses must be withstood during operation.
  • High elasticity - this property makes the models not brittle and able to withstand high bending and tensile loads.
  • High optical transparency - PCTG is superior to PETG in optical transparency and can be used in models where transparency is important.
  • Low shrinkage - PCTG is comparable to PLA or PETG in terms of shrinkage despite its high elasticity. This feature allows the filament to be used in printers with an open print chamber.
  • High-temperature resistance - higher temperature resistance than PETG allows the use of printed models in projects with working temperatures of 80C+.
  • Chemical resistance - the material works well in aggressive environments such as acids, oils, etc.


Extruder temperature
230°С - 255°С
platform temperature
50°С - 70°С
Printing speed
60 mm/s
1.75 мм
100 / 200 / 300 m
0.3 / 0.6 / 0.9 кg
  • Natural
  • Black
  • PCTG and PETG are very hygroscopic. If the filament is open for a long time, it is worth drying for better printing results.
  • Use 100% fill to maximize transparency for transparent and natural PCTG.


  • Automotive interior parts
  • Fluid containers and parts
  • Sporting goods
  • Functional prototyping
  • Serial printing of consumer goods